Random Definition



  • This is the Hangman Winning Streak game.
  • Pick a Category of words and click "Start."
  • Guess one letter at a time by typing letter and pressing "Go!"
  • You have 5 attempts to guess the right word.
  • You will accumulate 10 points per correct answer.
  • If you type a correct letter, it will be displayed.
  • Remaining attempts will also be displayed.
  • If you can't complete the word, your score will be reset to 0.
  • If you can't complete the word and you've scored points, type your name to save your score.
  • The 20 top scorers will be displayed in the menu bar tab "Records."

HANGMAN 20 Best Scores

Name Score



You got it! :)

Your word was !
Current score:

Next word is coming...